
Social Sciences
This study investigates the representations of Hindu-Muslim relationship inBollywood movies from 2008 to 2018. It is assumed that after 2008 Mumbaiterrorist attacks, which are known as 26/11, conflicts between Hindus andMuslims have escalated. Since Indian people are extreme fans of movies,especially Bollywood movies, in this regard, it is expected that media could playa significant role...
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Since the 9/11 bombings in New York, and the 7/7 bombings in London,Muslims’ integration in the UK has been under intense scrutiny. Muslimintegration, however, has long been a matter of debate in Britain, revolvingaround the maintenance of Muslims’ distinctive identity and practice. Forinstance, David Cameron (Cameron, 2011), Britain’s then Prime Minister,announced at the Munich Security...
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Islamophobia is defined as a closed-minded hatred, fear or prejudicetoward Islam and Muslims that result in discrimination, marginalization,and oppression. This phenomenon was strengthened after September 11marked a watershed in the history of America. In the wake of 9/11,Islamophobia was promulgated in a plethora of textual and visualnarratives, including novel. This paper studies Islamophobia in GregHrbek’s...
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The landscape of the Indonesian public sphere—amidst the rise of new media—has opened both opportunities and threats dealing with Islamic teaching. Thiscondition shapes a danger for the two largest of moderate Muslim Organisations(Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama/NU), in which they do not engage muchof the development of the digital platform. Consequently, dealing with religiousissues, they become...
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