
Social Sciences
According to some researchers (Hopkins, 2004a; Hopkins & Smith, 2008), there is a perception among certain Muslims that anti-Muslim racism is higher in areas where there is a high density of Muslim residents, such as Glasgow. In contrast, other Muslims may feel thatIslamophobia is higher in places with fewer numbers of Muslim residents. Through an...
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This study attempts to assess the different ways through which Islam as areligion can impact politics. In fact, the notion that is collectively labeledas Islam and its re-interpretation as an escalating presence of religion inpolitics in today’s world has deep layers. To distinguish a variety of theselayers, each with different characteristics, they should be defined,...
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Existing evidence seems to indicate that Muslims in Scotland haveconstructed hyphenated or hybrid identities that draw on religion, ethnicityand nationality. However, minor attention has been given to the differencesin importance, meanings, and strengths of these identities, or the significanceof their identity markers. Ethnic minority people can be identified with boththeir ethnic groups and their country...
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Islam’s view on the status of women has been among the controversial topicsin the American universities in recent decades. The rise of the political Islamand its embodiment in the Islamic Republic of Iran is considered by manycritics as the turning point in the making of the Muslim women as ananalytical category for the Western observers....
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