
Over the course of time, the Nigerian roads are faced with myriads of intricaciesthat encumber her state of security and impede the safety of lives and properties.This paper entitled “checkmating the trends of insecurity on the Nigeria roads in thelight of Islam” looks into a number of issues responsible for the set back.Consequently, it expounds...
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As Tehran is the largest city in Iran by far, the transport challenges it faces therefore differ considerably from those faced by other Iranian cities. There are about 7 other major cities in Iran such as Tabriz and Isfahan (once one of the largest cities of the ancient world) but the difference between them and...
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Karachi City is the industrial and commercial hub of Pakistan. Its role in the national economy is pivotal. The current population is over 18 million growing at an annual rate of 4 % including natural growth and migration from the other provinces. Karachi Transport Study was conducted during the period 1987-91. The Study recommended building...
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