I submit that I fully know and accept the scientific contributions and innovations made by non-Muslims through the various phases of human civilizational development. But since my focus in the article is to highlight scientific contributions and Philosophical ideas introduced within the Islamic world, I only projected them in detail. As a Philosopher I am...Read More
The current engineering workforce place much emphasis on internationally recognized engineering education with engineers able to work in remote and alien environments, highly mobile and adaptable to local cultures. It is common today that engineers from the West be placed in predominantly Muslim countries. Inadequate exposure to these cultures and insufficient understanding of the societal...Read More
Queensland is a culturally and religiously diverse state – in 2006 nearly one in five Queenslanders (17.9 per cent) was born overseas, 7.8 per cent of the population spoke a language other than English at home, and more than 129,000 people followed a religion other than Christianity. Between 2001 and 2006, the two fastest growing...Read More
The rapid development of science and technology, with all the advantages and benefits has brought for man a negative effect on moral and human values in society. The age of technology has caused a type of mechanization of human life and human behavior. It has caused people to drift far away from virtues and the...Read More
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