With the expansion of Muslim territory in the ninth century, non-Muslim communities’ reactions to the denials of the prophethood of Muhammad created an impact on the development of Islamic prophetology. Vigorous refutations from non-Muslim community, specifically the Jews, Christians and Brahmins urged Muslims to develop a solid mechanism in defence of the status of their...Read More
Mi‘yar al-‘Ilm fi Fann al-Mantiq of al-Ghazali is the first book written specifically on Muslim logic. But the comprehensive and exclusive study on the essence of its scientific contents of the book and its significance in developing scientific thinking has never been done. Thus this study investigates the objectives and referral sources of Mi‘yar writing....Read More
Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd is a thinker who has produced works in the fields of theology, philosophy, law, politics and humanities. Abu Zayd’s thought, partly on the Quran and its hermeneutics has stirred controversy in Egypt and the Muslim world. This research focuses on the controversy surrounding Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd which led to the...Read More
The longing to recapture the glorious past of Islam is almost universal in the Muslim world. An accurate diagnosis of failed experiences in the past and a methodology to exploit any emerging opportunities are essential to achieve this objective. An opportunity arose in the recent past that should have been thoughtfully utilised in this venture....Read More
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