Information Technology (IT) is penetrating every walk of life now and this has raised many ethical issues for today’s IT professional. The aim of this paper is to raise and examine moral issues as they emerge particularly in the context of the new communications and computer technology, understand various professional relationships and associated key ethical...Read More
Islamic Studies is perceived by many Nigerians to be a religious course, which should centre on the worship of God and Spirituality. It is viewed as a subject that has nothing to do with the mundane world. Their perception makes them to believe that it cannot be taught or learnt using modern technological advancement. The...Read More
The Quran is held by Muslims to be a single-authored text, the direct words of God (Allah), conveyed by the angel Gabriel to Mohammed 1355-1378 years ago, and later transcribed verbatim to be used as the sole authoritative source of knowledge, wisdom and law. The challenge for computer scientists is to represent this knowledge, wisdom...Read More
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