This article uses the Quranic philosophy of history, al-I‘tibar, in understanding what’s, why’s and how’s, which brought about the fall of the Umayyads. Based on this and the fact that history may, as Jeffrey Bartholet observes, “feed on itself,” the factors that caused the downfall of the Umayyads were on the one hand, explicatorily evaluated....Read More
This paper examines the archeological remains and historical events that took place in the ancient Near East and compares them with the archaeological facts mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. One of the key features of the Holy Qur’an is that it contains explicit data about groups of people from the past and events in their...Read More
Al-Qur’an: The book that consists entirely of the words claimed by the Prophet to be the words of God as revealed to him. (When we just say The Prophet, we mean The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.) The Qur’an comes to us through multiple independent sources and its entire text is fully and rigorously...Read More
The most central problem associated with Prophetic hadith has undoubtedly been their authenticity. This issue occupied Muslim specialists since the early classical period, and has continued to command the intense attention of western scholars since the middle of the last century. Gustav Well was one of the first, if not the first, to suggest, as...Read More
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