Multi-racial is a unique features in Malaysian’s society. It is become more interesting with the existence of heterogeneous characteristic which called as plural society. In Malaysia, the level of social interaction in plural society is minimal. Because of that reason, many conflicts arise before and after The Independence Day of Malaysia. Residential segregation and different...Read More
During the 70s, modern Islamic literature in Malaysia transformed in to a phenomenon. Applying Syed Husein Alatas’s socio-historical methodology this paper explained how Islamic literature became ‘a policy’ in secular Malaysia. The acceleration of this growth is caused by the rise of Islam in the world that gave an impact on Muslims in Malaysia. Clearly,...Read More
The Muslim world has witnessed the emergence of several Islamic-based institutes and universities in the last three decades, in keeping with some of the recommendations of World Conferences on Muslim Education. Such a development has greatly improved the quality of higher Islamic education especially with regards to the contribution to Islamic scholarship of some of...Read More
This paper attempts to look at the possibility of collaboration of Islamic agricultural finance in agricultural land development realizing the farmers’ financial problems during the case study and the government efforts in invigorating agricultural sector in Malaysia. Agricultural product and Loss Sharing (aPLS) which based on the contracts of al-muzara’a and al-musaqa from Islamic jurisprudence,...Read More
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