
The landscape of the Indonesian public sphere—amidst the rise of new media—has opened both opportunities and threats dealing with Islamic teaching. Thiscondition shapes a danger for the two largest of moderate Muslim Organisations(Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama/NU), in which they do not engage muchof the development of the digital platform. Consequently, dealing with religiousissues, they become...
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Since Indonesian reformation era, west sumateran society (Minang) echoed the emergence of slogan ‘back to the surau’ to bring back Islamic educational institution. Surau is the mosques dubbed by west sumateran society that has the function not only as the worshipping place but also as the center of community education. Law Number 22 of 1999...
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Background: Unsafe sexual behavior among adolescents is due to lack of knowledge and understanding of adolescents on reproductive health. Islam teaches parents obliged to educate and illustrate the various matters relating to reproductive health, but parents still consider explanations about reproductive health in adolescents is a ‘taboo’ and embarrassing. Purpose: This study aimed to explore...
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Indonesia is rich with religious traditions, and the people show their various religious attitudes to respond their problems in unique ways based on factors, such as education backgrounds, family, customs, and religious environment. When Islam entered Indonesia, adherents of various religions did not notice their difference, nor do they accentuate their identityies. Difference is not...
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