: Rethinking the development of Islamic da‘wah according to the perspective of development is understandable in view of today’s global preoccupation with the problems and challenges of sustainability. This paper seeks to explore the relationship of Islamic da‘wah with the themes and concerns of sustainability, granting special attention to the position taken by da‘wah on...Read More
The DER showcases how IsDB is fostering sustainable development in MCs and around the globe. The report sheds light on progress towards achieving key objectives of the President’s Five-Year Program (P5P) and IsDB Group’s 10- Year Strategy (10YS) for MCs’ socio-economic development. The report provides evidence of IsDB’s profound commitment in supporting the achievement of...Read More
they have not yet been able to change the nature of the country’s political system. A year after the country’s first non-military president took office, Egypt’s political situation became more or less similar to the way it had been before 2011. The structure of the relationship between the state and the society in Egypt, highly...Read More
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