
Crossing of state boundaries for specific reasons is called international migration.People leave home countries to look for better opportunities in other countries andsome to be with family members who earlier have migrated or because of politicalsituations. Acquiring education is also a reason for this migration. These migrantscan also be divided into two large groups, permanent...
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Novel writing in Arabic language is a contemporary effort in Arabic literature ofNigerian authorship. This, however, is not strange because of the fact that the genrein global Arabic literature is equally not very old. It is however note worthy howwriters use Arabic in purely literary ways to convey social messages. Novel writing,most especially, is being...
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The aim of this study to construct the awareness of non-Islamic festivals is Islamicrepublic of Pakistan. This research is explained the history of Pakistan and history offestivals that are celebrated in Pakistan. This research is qualitative in nature wefound all results based on Quran verses and Hades. Our finding shows somefestivals that are not synchronize...
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In present day, Muslim Umma has been polarized into two groups; traditionalist andmodernists. Both, standing on their own ideology, are absolutely refuting each other.In this research, the search question is that is either Iǧtihād said to the addition toQurʾān and Sunna, modification and amendment in or pursuing Šarīʿa rulings fromthe depths and vastness of Qurʾān...
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