Mohd Kamal Hassan’s Voice of Islamic Moderation from the Malay Worldpresents a selection of eleven essays written over the past decade in responseto the challenges from a globalization steeped in the post-9/11 climate. Intendedmainly for a non-Muslim audience, it seeks to represent the voice ofIslamic moderation (al-wasaṭīyah) from the multi-ethnic, multi-religiousMalaysian context. One hopes that...Read More
Books Reviewed: Catherine Cornille, ed., The Wiley-Blackwell Companionto Inter-Religious Dialogue. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2013;Daniel S. Brown, Jr., ed., A Communication Perspective on Interfaith Dialogue:Living within the Abrahamic Traditions. Plymouth, UK: LexingtonBooks, 2013; Daniel S. Brown, Jr., ed., Interfaith Dialogue in Practice: Christian,Muslim, Jew. Kansas City, MO: Rockhurst University Press, 2013. American Journal...Read More
Syed Farid Alatas’ Ibn Khaldun is a welcome addition to an emerging Khalduniansociology. It represents one of the few socio-historical studies of histhought that pays attention to this North African thinker’s historical milieuand life. Regarded by many scholars as a precursor of sociology, Ibn Khaldun(1332-1406) is also known for his contributions to the philosophy of...Read More
This sociological study on the plural and often contested construction of Muslimidentities in Brazil contributes to a growing scholarship on Islam and thepolitics of religious difference across the Atlantic. Focusing on two institutionsin São Paulo state – the Islamic Center of Campinas (Centro Islâmico de Campinas)and the Islamic Charity Youth League of Brazil (Liga da...Read More
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