Abstract The present chapter draws on the Social Indicators and quality of life approaches in analysing the general situation of the Islamic populations. These latter are represented here in the 57 country members of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). Since the issue of quality of life has an important cultural component, we attempt in...Read More
Abstract Whether acknowledged by the West or not an Islamic epistemology exists for both natural and human sciences. And since advancing postcolonial geography must also include the decolonization of knowledge, it is timely to consider if an alternate, Islamic human geography has instructive worth with respect to mainstream human geography. This paper sketches a broad...Read More
Abstract The first verses of the Qur’an that was revealed by Jabriel to the Prophet of Islam relate to reading and teaching. In many of the Qur’an’s surahs, there are also recommendations for teaching and learning that asks Muslims to study and discover the facts of the world. Muhammad (pbuh) had a special way in...Read More
Although Islamic Economics is still in its early stages of development as an academic discipline, there is a constant flow of useful and valuable literature on its different aspects and themes relating to Islam’s economic teachings. There is also a rich scholarly tradition from whose womb this nascent discipline has emerged. In all ages and...Read More
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