
Social Sciences
The practical farming techniques recommended by Islamic Farming are based on conservation agriculture practices that are widely promoted across Africa by organisations such as the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) as a form of climate smart agriculture. However, the concept of the six Ps – Plan, Prepare, Plant, Provide, Protect, Produce – which...
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Apostasy, the abandonment of Islam, can be subdivided into the act of apostasy, and its legal consequences. In Egyptian case law of the past fifty years, only the latter plays a role. The act of apostasy hardly needs to be scrutinized by the courts since it is almost never related to religious conviction, but to...
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The last representatives of the Muslim world in Spain, the Moriscos of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, have been widely regarded as the pathetic remnant of a once-brilliant civilization. Source: Hispanic Review Click here to read more.
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