
Social Sciences
In this paper a new instrument measuring Muslim religiosity is presented. Drawing on Glock’s multidimensional concept of religiosity, a quantitative paper-and-pencil study among 228 Muslims living in German cities was carried out. While previous studies have often simply translated indicators measuring Christian religiosity into Islamic terminology, this study applies Glock’s model taking into account the...
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Islamophobia is not more prevalent in Switzerland today than it was before the terrorist violence that Europe has experienced since the 2015 attacks in Paris. Still, Muslims today are often victims of discrimination. The polarized public discourse about Islam may have helped to erode psychological inhibitions against discriminatory behavior. Source: CSS Analyses in Security Policy...
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This paper is about the epistemological underpinnings of European and American foreign policy toward political Islam. European and American approaches to political Islam rely upon commonly held secular assumptions about religion and politics that have significant effects on foreign policy in Europe and the United States. Secularist epistemology produces an understanding of ‘‘normal politics’’ that...
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In the middle of the 20th century, Islamic writers and intellectuals in the Middle East and particularly in Egypt were actively engaged in the call for Islamic literature. Several Arabic books, including major works of Sayyed Qutub, Muhammad Qutub, and Naguib Kilani, were written on the subject and immediately rendered into Malaysian and Indonesian languages....
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