
Islamic Countries
During World War i two camps for Muslim prisoners of war were established in Wünsdorf and Zossen about 50km south of Berlin: the Halbmondlager and the Weinberglager. In the Halbmondlager a mosque was built and a cemetery for the prisoners was located in the nearby village of Zehrensdorf. (Fig. 8.1) These efforts were not an...
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In November 1914 the fatwas issued by the Shaykh ül Islam Hayri Efendi, in which Muslims were called upon to take up arms against those who attacked Islam, who seized and looted Muslim countries and who made the Muslim populations captive, were read to an audience of allegedly almost 100,000 Muslims at the Fatih Mosque...
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During the period of the jealously guarded absolute power of the cup, from the Bab-ı âli (Sublime Porte) Raid of 23 January 1913 until the defeat in 1918, the government banned the publication of even the slightest opposition in newspapers and periodicals. In particular, the outbreak of war in 1914 in Europe and the declaration...
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In his provocative Holy War Made in Germany, the Dutch orientalist Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje maintained that the Ottoman grand Jihad declared in November 1914 was a German invention aimed at stirring up Muslims under Allied rule. J-117-135Download
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