
Area Studies
If Western civilization is synonymous with the United States of America (USA), the Islamic civilization necessarily identical to the Prophet Muhammad who began a succession of civilization by building the Nabawi Mosque in Medina 1439 years ago. In 13 American-British colonies, Anthony Benezet in 1775, founded the Human Rights’ organization (HAM) to abolish slavery. Thomas...
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The romance of the Middle East, once called the Near East, has long been a source of fascination to me. My first memories are of a children’s version of The Arabian Nights published in the early 1900s by Blackie and Co. 1 It had evocative illustrations by Helen Stratton, some including architectural allegories. The visual...
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Considering corruption as one of the chronic harms of the administrative system, and the social factor affecting economic growth, the present study sought to explain, for the first time, the differences in the perceived levels of corruption among 16 Southwest Asian countries, relying on the sociological “new institutionalism” theory in analyzing organizations, describing causal mechanisms...
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Since the 9/11 bombings in New York, and the 7/7 bombings in London, Muslims’ integration in the UK has been under intense scrutiny. Muslim integration, however, has long been a matter of debate in Britain, revolving around the maintenance of Muslims’ distinctive identity and practice. For instance, David Cameron (Cameron, 2011), Britain’s then Prime Minister,...
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