The impact of modern western cultures on Islamic societies has created an interesting debate regarding the compatibility of democracy and secularization with Islamic values. The rise of political Islam in the 1970s has intensified this debate leading it towards new perspectives regarding the compatibility of Islam with issues such as development, citizenship, identity, democracy and...Read More
I submit that I fully know and accept the scientific contributions and innovations made by non-Muslims through the various phases of human civilizational development. But since my focus in the article is to highlight scientific contributions and Philosophical ideas introduced within the Islamic world, I only projected them in detail. As a Philosopher I am...Read More
Up until the outbreak of conflict in 2011, Syrian young people were among the most educated in the Middle East region, with Syria having achieved near universal primary education enrolment and a high rate of completed secondary education. Due to the years of conflict, many Syrian are currently displaced within their country and across Syria’s...Read More
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