A few years ago, a friend of mine felt that her life had somehow come to a standstill. After her youngest child had moved out, she realised how stale her marriage had become. Workwise, she had a good position that paid well, but lately she had begun to wonder about the purpose of it all....Read More
The Anthropology of Islam is a title that raises questions and certainly expectations. What is the anthropology of Islam? Why anthropology instead of theology or history? Why use the term Islam instead of Islams or Islam(s)? Why focus on Islam instead of Muslims? Is there only one anthropology of Islam or can we speak of...Read More
Abstract Islamic Anthropology and Sociology under construction is an important aspect of the Islamisation of knowledge project. This article explores the so called Islamic Anthropology and Sociology in theory and in practice; and the various approaches to this construction, i.e. the Reconstructionist approach and the Integrationist approach. Issues such as the compatibility of the proposed...Read More
This article reviews various proposals for an “Islamic anthropology” and their relation to the “anthropology of Islam.” Islamic anthropology approaches social and cultural phenomena on the basis of Islamic values/principles and with analytical techniques derived from Islamic texts and traditions. This approach has been disparaged on various grounds such as the academic unacceptability of a...Read More
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