Sciences play an important role for human in living their life and technology constitutes the embodiment of human’s systemic effort in applying the sciences so that it can make things easier and provide wealth for human when it is followed by religion. However, it will bring disaster instead when it is not inspired by religion....Read More
At the present time, attention to traditional, protective, complementary and natural applications of medicine is on the rise. Religious medical therapies is a special case of curiosity. For Muslims, Prophetic Medicine (al-Ṭibb al-Nabawi) and Islamic Medicine, are gaining popularity as a reflection of love to their Prophet, Mohamed, and Sunnah (his traditions) perception. Al-Tıb al-Nabaw...Read More
Evidence indicates traditional medicine is no longer only used for the healthcare of the poor, its prevalence is also increasing in countries where allopathic medicine is predominant in the healthcare system. …only recently has a theoretical model been developed illustrating the linkages and components of such practices articulated as Traditional Arabic & Islamic Medicine (TAIM)....Read More
ter is just such a crucial part of our existence and yet we take it for granted. With the impact of climate change on the earth, we are seeing such extremes of weather throughout the world with increased floods and famine, tsunamis and tornadoes. is booklet is designed to highlight the importance of water conservation...Read More
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