The main purpose of this paper is to expose the ideal system of Islam with regards to the marketing of agricultural produce. Despite the modern definition of agriculture is wider than in the past, but Islam for its dynamism has provided rooms for any arising issue. Thus, the present study has highlighted the major aspects...Read More
This paper attempts to look at the possibility of collaboration of Islamic agricultural finance in agricultural land development realizing the farmers’ financial problems during the case study and the government efforts in invigorating agricultural sector in Malaysia. Agricultural product and Loss Sharing (aPLS) which based on the contracts of al-muzara’a and al-musaqa from Islamic jurisprudence,...Read More
Land ownership—in its ethico-legal and historical manifestations, reflects the importance of being a politico-economic institution. In the process of its development, it includes various heterogeneous elements of different systems of ownership. With the growth of the Ummah, the principles of laws of ownership represent and embody the relations, rights and duties to form the general...Read More
This study aims to find the similarities and differences in financing practices that occurred in The Agricultural Bank of Iran, China, Sudan, Malaysia and Baitul Maal wat Tamwil in Indonesia, and to obtain best farmers and agricultural enterpreneurs financing practices. This study used qualitative approach. Case study is selected as strategy in this research. The...Read More
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