The present study attempts to focus on the interpretation of colour terms in the EverGlorious Quran. The study examines whether it is possible to observe any consistency in the strategies used for the interpretation of colour-terms in the Ever-Glorious Quran. The validity of the notion of foreignisation as brought to the fore of translation studies...Read More
Islamic political thought remains the most debatable field of knowledge in the present day world both in East and the West. Authority which is generally considered to be the central aspect of Islamic political thought remains more contentious field among the scholars both within and outside Muslim academia. The fact is that some out rightly...Read More
This paper examines the archeological remains and historical events that took place in the ancient Near East and compares them with the archaeological facts mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. One of the key features of the Holy Qur’an is that it contains explicit data about groups of people from the past and events in their...Read More
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