
Quranic Knowledge
This article challenges the view, common among Western academics since early last century, that the Qurʾān was left incomplete as a book and did not take final shape until well after the Prophet’s death. Against this, it highlights an example of structural continuity: that of center-periphery connection between adjacent sūras. This type of connection is...
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This article looks at some of the salient analyses of the concept ofwasaṭīyah (moderation) in the ancient Greek and the Islamic traditionsand uses them to develop a contemporary view of the matter.Greek ethics played a huge role in shaping the ethical views ofMuslim philosophers and theologians, and thus the article startswith an overview of the...
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Integrating knowledge and education has become a major issuein Malaysia in the context of globalization. This study develops ateacher-centered Qur’anic methodology based on the integrationof acquired (‘aqlī) and revealed (naqlī) knowledge as regards content,as well as the integration of teachers’ role in a teaching-learningprocess designed to empower students to manage “self” and“system.” It further investigates...
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In the introduction to her Understanding the Qur’anic Miracle Stories in theModern Age, Isra Yazicioglu writes about the dilemma of how readers are tounderstand such stories. She poses the question that if both the Qur’an andscholars of Islamic thought argue that Muhammad’s message is his miracle(p. 5) and that natural phenomena contain miracles, then why...
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