Islamic rules of warfare are complex, appear to be contradictory and require careful analysis. This monograph will introduce readers to Islamic principles of warfare and its conduct. These principles are contained within a body of Islamic legal rulings that has grown over the centuries. Click here to read more.Read More
Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What is my moral responsibility towards myself and others? The human being asks himself these and tens of other crucial questions from time to time, but can find no satisfactory answer unless he listens to the call of revelation. When he does this,...Read More
This article presents a summary of existing codes of media ethics and analyzes their impact on mass media practices. It then attempts to develop an Islamic perspective of mass media ethics by focusing on the moral guidelines provided by Quran and the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (the Sunnah). The paper also examines the issues, problems,...Read More
Mi‛yār al-‛Ilm fī Fann al-ManÏiq of al-Ghazālī is the first book on Islamic logic. But a specific, comprehensive and exclusive study on its essence of the scientific contents and its importance in developing scientific thinking has never been done yet. Therefore, this study investigated qualitatively the background of Mi‛yār and its contents using content analysis....Read More
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