“The Global trusteeship (Amanah) which the Heavens, the Earth, and the Mountains declined to shoulder its immense responsibility [Al-Qur’an: 33:721, was accepted by man for various reasons. Allah is the ultimate holder of dominion over the creation and is thus accountable each in their own ways |A1 Qur’an: 2:107 also 5:120). The creation itself, in...Read More
Information Technology (IT) is penetrating every walk of life now and this has raised many ethical issues for today’s IT professional. The aim of this paper is to raise and examine moral issues as they emerge particularly in the context of the new communications and computer technology, understand various professional relationships and associated key ethical...Read More
Since the introduction of the concept of Islamization of knowledge, many papers and books were written on the concepts and philosophies to the limit that the idea is well established at the theoretical level. In the mean time, it was realized long time ago that there is a need to put forward practical steps to...Read More
There exists exclusionist methodology in the way Muslim scholarship developed its approach to scientific knowledge and its relation to shari’ah sciences or Islamic ontology. The realm of scientific knowledge has been dichotomously excluded from the ambit of revelation due to the Western traditions in the educational system adhered to by the Muslim world. Click here...Read More
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