‘Pharmakon’ is a dualist word which means remedy or poison, or neither remedy nor poison, and it was used by Jacques Derrida in the Pharmacy of Plato (La Pharmacie de Platon – 1972) where he made a structural analysis of Plato’s dialog with Phaedrus. Some think that it is a remedy; it is beneficial, and...Read More
In Islam, the term tabarru’at (philanthropy) connote extending of wealth or benefit generating from the wealth to people free of charge out of mere kindness. It is a charitable act befitting the Qur’anic concept of birr (righteousness) mentioned in Chapter al-Ma’idah (5: 2). Donation in Islam is a complex concept because of its varying modes...Read More
Halal e-commerce platforms are developed to address the loopholes in other e-commerce websites through compliant with Sharia requirement in products or services offered, payment gateways, warehouses and logistics management to ensure that products remain halal throughout the trading processes. The Sharia requirements in halal e-commerce include avoidance of riba, gharar, maysir and haram elements. This...Read More
The aims of this paper are to describe supplier management in Halal food supply chain in according with an existing framework and to explore how the size of enterprises influences the supplier management. In this study, the researcher conducted case study research and collected the data from one small and mediumsized enterprise (SME) and one...Read More
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