Both the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Hadith) frequently mention animals. The Qur’an declares that God does not shy away from drawing comparisons, even with a gnat, and two of the Suras (chapters) are indeed named after insects: the ant and the bee. The Qur’an speaks of animals being ‘communities like yourselves’,...Read More
Mi‛yār al-‛Ilm fī Fann al-ManÏiq of al-Ghazālī is the first book on Islamic logic. But a specific, comprehensive and exclusive study on its essence of the scientific contents and its importance in developing scientific thinking has never been done yet. Therefore, this study investigated qualitatively the background of Mi‛yār and its contents using content analysis....Read More
Islamic philosophy is like all philosophy when tied in with a religion in having indistinct parameters and requiring an understanding of the religion as well as of philosophy. Peter Groff explains a good deal about Islam in his book, and in particular the range of theoretical issues that arose in the religion. Click here to...Read More
Abstract Man himself being a kind of animal, has many things in common with other animals. At the same time he has many dissimilarities which distinguish him from other animals and make him superior to them. The main and basic features distinguishing man from other living beings, on which his humanity depends and which constitute...Read More
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