he second volume of the renowned commentary on the Holy Qur’an written by one of its greatest modern commentators. This volume contains exegesis of Suratul Baqarah (2) from verse 94 to verse 182. Source: Al-Islam.org Click here to read more.Read More
Sciences play an important role for human in living their life and technology constitutes the embodiment of human’s systemic effort in applying the sciences so that it can make things easier and provide wealth for human when it is followed by religion. However, it will bring disaster instead when it is not inspired by religion....Read More
The issue of freedom of religion has always been situated at the intersection between human rights, personal freedom of choice, religious belief and apostasy. While freedom supporters argue that one is free to choose his or her religion, including changing religion, the Qur’an has made it clear that Islam allows changing of religion so long...Read More
Islam considers itself to be the very last religion to be revealed to mankind before the Day of Judgment, and the Prophet Mul_iammad to be the very last of the long line of Prophets and Messengers beginning with Adam. Hence, in many ways, Islam sums up in itself and in its Prophet many of the...Read More
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