With painstaking effort and much dedication invested in this groundbreakingwork, John Andrew Morrow will surely manage to attract the attention of Islamicstudies students and specialists. Not only is the topic novel, but surelythe approach and method are new as well. Indeed, The Covenants of theProphet Muhammad with the Christians of the World is a genuine...Read More
In this challenging and thought-provoking monograph, Ahmad Atif Ahmaddraws on the issue of futūr al-Sharī‘a (the end of access to divine guidancedue to the absence of qualified jurists) to explore how early Muslim scholarsdebated its possible loss. Basing himself upon the analysis of medieval Sunnilegal and theological texts, the author divides his monograph into four...Read More
Books Reviewed: Catherine Cornille, ed., The Wiley-Blackwell Companionto Inter-Religious Dialogue. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2013;Daniel S. Brown, Jr., ed., A Communication Perspective on Interfaith Dialogue:Living within the Abrahamic Traditions. Plymouth, UK: LexingtonBooks, 2013; Daniel S. Brown, Jr., ed., Interfaith Dialogue in Practice: Christian,Muslim, Jew. Kansas City, MO: Rockhurst University Press, 2013. American Journal...Read More
This monograph challenges the notion that Islam is, at its core, an intolerantreligion. Through a careful reading of the Qur’an, the Hadith literature, andextra-canonical texts, as well as examples from history, Reza Shah-Kazemiargues that Islam is rooted in an inclusivist ethic that permeates the foundations of Islamic belief and practice. He provides numerous examples of...Read More
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