
I am going to reflect on the historic theological engagement of al-Ghazali (d. 505/1111) with the scientific tradition of the medieval Islamic world, and this relates to a set of works that were discovered in the beginning of the twenty-first century. These concern a number of manuscripts attributed to al-Ghazali, called the Madnun. This is...
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The concept of “soul” (al-rūḥ) has always occupied a significant position in the Islamic tradition and has been hotly debated within a wide range of disciplines including linguistics, theology, philosophy and Islamic law (fiqh). One of the main characteristics common to the debates that took place within these disciplines is the elusiveness of this concept,...
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How does the world really function, in its most fundamental way? And what is God’s role in it? These are two “big questions”, among the biggest that there are, and one may wonder whether we humans could possibly reach any satisfactory and consistent answers that would not just be “sophisticated views” but have solid ground...
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Evolution is used as an example of contradiction between Religion (Islam) and science. I am a scientist and a religious person from the Muslim faith. I see no contradiction. Why then does this contradiction exist? Who created this myth and why? Islam has always been open minded asking us to seek knowledge and to question...
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