
Nancy Roberts’ translation of Fathi Malkawi’s most recent study representsthe latest addition to the corpus of literature dealing with the Islamization ofKnowledge project. The author’s core argument is that a truly Islamic approachto the study of any phenomenon, whether biological, physical, or social,is definitively characterized by its inherent ability to incorporate both theadvances made in...
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Proponents of the integration of Islam into English literary studiesseek, by way of presenting Islamic worldviews in relation to thelife-worlds that English texts presumably promote, to inform (Muslim)students and practitioners of the subject about possible untowardinfluences in order to help them withstand cultural captivityand lifestyle effects. This is part of the wider concept of integratingIslam...
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David Vishanoff’s The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics is a significantcontribution to the study of Islamic legal theory and legal hermeneutics. Vishanoff’smain objective is to examine how Sunni legal hermeneutics becamea systematic and institutional discipline. For this purpose, he strives to restorethe reception and development of al-Shafi‘i’s (d. 820) legal hermeneutics during the pre-classical period (ninth...
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When the term Ottoman architecture is used, the immediate image that comesto mind is that of the multitudes of mosque and religious buildings in Turkeyand the Ottoman Empire. One with a more in-depth knowledge of this fieldmay think of the prolific architect Sinan (d. 1588) and his hundreds of purpose-built works. However, this is not...
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