
Military Sciences
During the last six decades, historians have adopted various approaches tostudying the Crusades. Unfortunately, few contemporary Muslim scholarshave dealt with this topic at all. In the aftermath of 9/11, however, this seriesof European military invasions of the Middle East began to reappear in themedia as analysts, historians, and academics posited that they were a precursorof...
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This paper explores the reasons why, in the aftermath of 9/11, the interests of Muslim women and Muslim gays have become the civilizing mission in the “war on terror.” In critically examining how pervasive American and European notions of patriotism, liberalism, secularism, and freedom have been couched within the discourse of sexual rights, I explain...
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Sirah or the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) is a subject of great importance for Muslim scholarship as well as for the common man. It is the main and the ultimate source of guidance for the Muslims. It stands as a bridge between ancient times and the modern age. The study of Sirah is not...
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Crusades occurred between Muslims and Christians in 1097 to 1291, which its main aim was to recapture Jerusalem by the Christians. During this time, Europeans had enough opportunity to learn about Islamic civilization and its cultural and economic benefits. Although these were ended with the political and military victory of Muslims enabling them to keep...
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