
The relationship between Arabic and Islam was conceived when the commandments of Allah were revealed to Muslims in Arabic. In fact the Quran, entirely in God’s voice, clearly stipulates that “We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you [people] may understand” (12:2). Naturally, Arabic is a component of various daily religious...
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The majority of the published studies on multilingualism concentrate on education, while only a few published papers describe this concept outside the education environment. The current descriptive study uses Makkah City as an example to describe two multilingual phenomena: Umrah and Hajj as examples of permanent and temporary multilingualism phenomena, respectively. This study uses government...
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Motivated by the need to rethink Islamic education and Arabic teaching in Western Islamic schools (Ramadan 2004), this article seeks to present an analytical exploration of Islamic educational thought on the purpose of Arabic grammar and its place in Arabic language teaching. The article will review the rise of Arabic grammar and thought surrounding its...
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Arabic language is considered as a special language, at least for Muslims, as it is the language of the Qur’an. Therefore the language has been given emphasis in Islamic education system. In fact, it is not only introduced in religious stream schools but also in daily secondary schools as an elective subject. Realizing the important...
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