Series of attacks under the disguise of Islam; ISIS created an outrage throughout the world, bombings in a number of places, beheading innocent citizens, kidnapping women and children of different sects of Muslims for the cause of harassment and assault, also, burning non-Muslims alive and drowning, then upload those video clips of murder-in-action in the...Read More
The past two decades of academic work, have cemented the idea that childhood is a social construction. As such, how children are conceptualized, educated, protected and interacted with differs from society to society, given the values inherent in each social construction. Culture, history and geography all influence the daily lives of children, and the inherent...Read More
Islam does not allow any violation against people’s rights, whether material or intellectual. Therefore, it does not allow that the efforts of others be taken away from them or be used without their consent. However, some scholars contend that intellectual property rights were not directly regulated by Sharia but the others say that the principles...Read More
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