Philosophy Alternative Secularism in The Islamic World a Study of Charles Taylors View of The Secularization of Islamic Societies
Humanities Intellectual Network of Mandailing and Haramayn Muslim Scholars in the Mid-19th and Early 20th Century
Groups and Denominations The demise of moderate Islam: new media, contestation, and reclaiming religious authorities
Humanities Contemporary Arabic Novelists and Social Responsibility: a Peep into AlHijri’s Al-Sayyid Al-Raees
Education Islamic lifestyle from the Viewpoint of the Documents of Fundamental Revolution in Education of Iran
Islamic Countries Reproductive Health of Early Adolescents in the Islamic Perspective: A Qualitative Study in Indonesia
Islamic Studies Al-Qur’an as a Remedy for Human Physical and Spiritual Illnesses, and Social Vices: Past, Present and Future
Medicine Cognitive Systematic Desensitization: An Innovative Therapeutic Technique with Special Reference to Muslim Patients (pp.…
Humanities Book Review: The Future of the Arab Spring: Civic Entrepreneurship in Politics, Art, and Technology Startups