Muslim Heritage in Religionswissenschaft: A Preliminary Study on the Purposiveness & the Non-Purposiveness of Muslim Scholarship

The history of the study of religions has begun as early as man initially questioned
on religion. Throughout the history of the study of religion or religions, many
scholars had emerged and contributed to this vocation. Many international scholars;
be them from the east and west, Muslims or non-Muslims; recognize Muslim
scholarship in religionswissenschaft. In sum, comparative study of religions is
regarded as one of the great contributions of Muslim’s civilization to mankind’s
intellectual progress. Nevertheless, when referring to the popular works of Muslim
scholars in this discipline, most people will refer to only some treatises with
negligence to the great bulk of Muslim Heritage in Religionswissenschaft. This
paper will unravel this issue and propose an alternative categorization or taxonomy
with regards to Muslim heritage in religionswissenschaft. The main reason for this
effort is to guide the contemporary and future researchers to the great treatises of
Muslim heritage in religionswissenschaft. Therefore, this categorization or taxonomy
will chart the mapping of possible references for any prospective readings,
researches and new findings. This categorization can assist one’s reading towards
deeper understanding on issues in Muslim scholarship in religionswissenschaft.
Likewise, this categorization can also help researchers to attain a better
understanding of the opinion of any Muslim scholars in the field of comparative

Source: Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture

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