What Does Islamic Lifestyle Say about Depression Management?
Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders across the world and its prevalence has increased during the past decades. Literature shows that some lifestyle factors contribute to this rise and depression treatment. To identify these factors, Scopus, PsycINFO, and PubMed databases were searched for English-language articles published from 2007 to December 2017 using the combinations of the following keywords: “lifestyle”, “depression” and “depressive symptoms”. Of the 334 articles screened, 10 fully met our inclusion criteria. Research findings indicated that there are several lifestyle factors contributing to the development, maintenance, and improvement of depression. These were classified into five general categories, including (1) physical activity (exercise), (2) sleep (adequate and high-quality), (3) social relationships, (4) dietary modification, and (5) recreational activities. We investigated these lifestyle factors from Shia Muslim perspective about Islamic lifestyle using Islamic teachings (verses of Quran and Hadiths). Generally, it appears that adherence to Islamic lifestyle can be effective in depression management.
Source: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical
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