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Natural Sciences
The Divine Viscera: Medicine and Religion in the Islamic Golden Age
The Divine Viscera: Medicine and Religion in the Islamic Golden Age Medicine, as we know it, was born of centuries of…
Can Muslims Use Medicines Containing Animal Products?
It is important to mention that many substances derived from animals undergo chemical transformation whereas the substance has…
Traditional Arabic and Islamic Medicine, a Re-emerging Health Aid
Complementary medicine is a formal method of health care in most countries of the ancient world. It is expected to become more…
Medicine in Stamps Rhazes (835-925 A.D.): Medical Scholar of Islam
Medicine languished for many centuries after the death of the Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen, medicine’s founding…
Medical Epistemology in the Medieval Islamic Tradition
“Medical practice has been evidencebased since antiquity. What has changed is our understanding of what constitutes evidence”1 .…
A Foundation of Western Ophthalmology in Medieval Islamic Medicine
The conquests of Muhammad starting in the 7th century led to the spread of Islam and the teachings of the Qur’an, a theology…
Prophetic medicine is the cheapest, safest and the best remedy in the…
Prophetic medicine or Medicine of the Prophet (peace be upon him) comprises the divinely inspired words of therapy of Prophet…
As long as history remembers, medical science has always been part of man's life. In the beginning it was difficult to…
Prophets of Medicine and Medicine of the Prophet: Debates on Medical Theory…
Starting from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, an expanding corpus of medical treatises produced by scholars of religion of…
Halal Cosmetics: A Review on Ingredients, Production, and Testing Methods
The demand for halal cosmetic products among the 2.4 billion Muslim consumers worldwide is increasing. However, the demand for…
Darwin and Dunya: Muslim Responses to Darwinian Evolution
Darwin’s theory of evolution caused considerable controversy among conservative Christians, but his ideas were not immediately…
Should Religion Be Kept Out of the Science Classroom?
The issue at hand is whether or not religion should be kept out of the science classroom in the Muslim world and in particular…
Science Education in the Islamic World: A Snapshot of the Multilayered Role…
Science education27 is currently viewed as inadequate in the developing and developed worlds. This was highlighted at the recent…
Report of the Zakri Task Force on Science at the Universities of the Muslim…
Science, or more generally knowledge, has always occupied a high place in the Islamic culture. As Muhammad Abdus Salam, the…
Professional Ethics which concern one's conduct of behavior and practice when carrying out professional work needs Itqan. The…
Muslim Engineers and Their Contribution to Modern Thecnology
Muslim civilization developed at a time in human history when numerous large territorial empires had been established in various…
Byzantine–Early Islamic agricultural systems in the Negev Highlands: Stages…
An extensive survey followed by OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) dating of loess accumulation in agricultural terraces at…
Muslim Women in Agricultural Education and the Labor Force
Innovation for Agricultural Training and Education (InnovATE) is a USAID-funded project supporting the capacity development of…