The Study of Mahdism: Developments and Challenges
Publisher: Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy
Author: Hussein elahinezahd
ISBN: 9786001957895
“The Study of Mahdism: Developments and Challenges” addresses the non-divine developments and challenges related to celestial and non-celestial religions, as well as Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic religions. The widespread acceptance and universality of messianism, as well as its continuity over time, indicate its sacred and innate nature.
Undoubtedly, whenever a belief or ideology descends from its original and sacred position and enters the realm of human thought and contemplation, it becomes susceptible to epistemological, functional, and practical challenges. To prevent this descent and preserve its esteemed belief and social status, it is necessary to approach the identification of these challenges with a progressive and transformative mindset and take initiative in diagnosing and purifying them with reformist perspectives. The field of Mahdism studies is one of the religious and knowledge domains that, after human thinking and contemplation, has faced some epistemological, practical, and functional challenges that require diagnosis and purification to ensure its effectiveness and functionality among believers. The term “diagnosis of challenges” is a new concept that scientifically studies the challenges and harms within a particular domain, as well as how to combat and confront them. By providing scientific and practical solutions, it not only treats vulnerable aspects but also takes a proactive approach to identify preventive measures and prevent potential crises in society. This concept is employed in all fields and branches of applied, foundational, experimental, natural, and human sciences, as well as in religious literature, where it has garnered attention from religious scholars and intellectuals.
In the field of diagnosing challenges, the existing harms and challenges within a domain are initially discussed and examined from an epistemological and descriptive perspective. In the second stage, suitable strategies and recommendations are proposed to confront these challenges and preventive actions are introduced to prevent potential crises that may undermine societal stability. The term “development” refers to the various stages and conditions that affect complex entities, and its formation is based on historical events and fluctuations. It encompasses the present state of all entities, including beings, sciences, and bodies. The development and advancements in the study of Mahdism, with an educational and research-oriented approach, refer to the different stages and phases that have influenced the field of Mahdism studies throughout history, including the educational and research domains. These developments encompass other aspects of Mahdism studies, such as foundations, principles, methods, style, issues, and topics.