Research Center for Islamic Philosophy and Theology
The RCIPT affiliated to ISCA was established in 1994 in order to explain and introduce the theoretical doctrines of Islam with a rational-narrative approach, recognizing and reconstructing the philosophical and theological heritage and responding to the intellectual doubts.
In recent years, in addition to conduct research on the intellectual issues of the day, the rich heritage of Muslim thinkers and the use of modern research methods in the field of Islamic sciences to foster fundamental studies, this research center has implemented several great research projects such as Theological Teachings of the Twelver Shi’a Theologians.
Also, focusing on the important intellectual and pragmatic areas such as “philosophy of morality” and “philosophy of the soul” as well as conducting comparative studies in the field of “religion and reason” and “religion and linguistic knowledge”, are among the prominent projects of this research center.
Investigating and empowering Islamic philosophy and making connection and its relationship to social and political needs, as well as modernizing the Shi’a theology in order to be more active in facing rival thoughts, are some of the most important issues in the current and future plans.
1.   Explicating and reforming the foundations and theoretical frameworks of Islamic philosophy and theology in order to develop and empower them, and also to meet the individual and social needs.
2.   Recognition and systematic explanation of theoretical doctrines of Islam.
3.   Rational defense of Islamic doctrines and response to philosophical and theological doubts.
4.   Innovations in presenting Islamic doctrines and make them comprehensible according to the various levels of the audience.
1.   A wise and logical look at intellectual issues and an interest in scientific and rational reviews and implementation of the efficient research.
2.   Adherence to genuine Islamic principles and paying attention to research pathologies and avoiding eclecticism, intellectual dogmatism and looking superficially in the field of thinking.
3.   Knowing the audience and matching the content of the research with the features and needs of the audience.
4.   Considering doubts and new philosophical and theological issues.
5.   An attempt to investigate the religion and Religiosity requirements of Contemporary human being.
6.   Active treatment in the field of philosophical and theological issues and theorization instead of passive treatment.
7.   Attempting to communicate and interact with scholars and thinkers and use their capacity and achievements in the field of Islamic philosophy and theology towards carrying out the tasks and research activities.
8.   Using up-to-date and effective literature to present research achievements.
9.   an attempt towards intellectual effectiveness and strengthening the spiritual foundations of the audience
10.   Specializing the research fields pertaining to Islamic philosophy and theology
11.   Determining research priorities according to necessities and needs
12.   Using the achievements of human science and knowledge along with the critical attitude toward its shortcomings and its inconsistencies with Islamic thought
13.   Prioritizing group activities and thinking together on philosophical and theological studies
14.   Observing the scientific criteria and standards and applying new methods and tools in philosophical and theological research.
1.   Review of philosophical and theological thought and its extension to empower philosophical and theological ideas.
2.   Dealing with the fundamental issues and theoretical foundations of philosophy and theology with the aim of deepening religious issues.
3.   Translation of important and effective philosophical and theological works in order to enrich the philosophical and theological issues.
4.   Reviewing and criticizing various philosophical and theological traditions with the aim of better Islamic teachings explanation.
5.   Study, research and implementation of research projects on the doctrinal system of Islam
6.   Identifying philosophical and theological doubts and providing appropriate responses
7.   Identifying various audiences and expressing Islamic teachings according to their needs.
8.   Creating specialized groups in order to carry out research plans and activities
9.   Providing context for dialogue among Muslim scholars and holding conferences with philosophical and theological topics
10.   Identifying and attracting researchers and supporting the scholars of the Islamic Seminary in the field of philosophy and theology with the aim of providing context for their growth and promotion.
11.   Providing research resources and context to facilitate research in the field of Islamic philosophy and theology
12.   Providing the context for the growth and enhancement of the knowledge and ability of researchers through holding classes and workshops, scientific meetings and discussions, creating opportunities for study, etc.
13.   Informing the Islamic seminaries on the novel issues and challenges of the Islamic society in the field of philosophy and theology.
14.   Communication and cooperation with organizations, institutions, authorities, cultural elites, institutes and scientific, research and executive centers in order to advance the goals of the research center.
15.   Building active and constructive relationship with other research centers and divisions of the ISCA with the aim of establishing coordination, implementing joint plans and preventing repetitive work.
At present, there are three active research departments in the research center:
1.   Department of Philosophy
2.   Department of Islamic Theology
3.   Department for Philosophy of Ethics
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