Exorcism Practices in South-West Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis
In South-West Nigeria, the indispensability of services of exorcists cannot be overemphasized as there were numerous instances when orthodox medical practitioners,
after having done their utmost but unsuccessfully, would advise patients to seek
spiritual remedies to their maladies. The exorcists whose services are sought after in
the region abound in the three main religions namely Islam, Christianity and Yoruba
Traditional Religion. This study is a survey and a comparative analysis of exorcism
practices by the Muslim, Christian and Yoruba Traditionalist exorcists in SouthWest Nigeria purposely to determine the possibility or otherwise of interference in
their practice of exorcism. Areas of comparison include the personality of the
exorcists, their diagnostic methods and the exorcism modus operandi. The result
showed that difference in religious calling notwithstanding, there is, to a large extent
interference and borrowing in their exorcism modus operandi, since they all operate
in the same milieu
Source: Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture
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