Islam Portal

Becoming a Muslim in the Age of Social Networking Sites: Facebook as a Space Shared by the French Converts to Islam

Conversions to Islam in France have been at the heart of religious and political news since the 1990s. Recently, the debates around this phenomenon call to the imagination of an “Islamization” of France with an increase in the number of converts since the attacks of January 20152. Moreover, some journalists do not hesitate to argue that converts to Islam have been involved in activities related to terrorism. My purpose is not, of course, to
explain why many French people convert to Islam, several works have already dealt with this (Riva 2015; Brun 2014; Mossière 2013; Puzenat 2010; Allievi 1998). Nevertheless, despite this abundant literature, it must be emphasized that reflections on the articulation between conversion to Islam and the use of TNIC (digital information and communication technologies) remain marginal in the academic literature.

Source: Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture

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