Islam Portal

Fostering Corporate Sustainability Performance through Integrated Knowledge Management Strategy and Eco-Innovation in Halal Pharmaceutical Companies: A Malaysia Case

As part of the Malaysian government’s Economic Transformation Programme, the Malaysian pharmaceutical industry was identified as one of the pillars of the healthcare sectors targeted to increase the nation’s gross national income contribution by 22% and deliver a total of RM16.6 billion by 2020. Halal awareness in the pharmaceutical industry has been increase and gives prominent impact on Malaysia’s economic growth. As research-intensive organisations, it is crucial for halal pharmaceutical companies in Malaysia to strategically manage their knowledge and foster innovation since sustainability requires them to rely heavily on the pursuit of sustainable research and development activities as well as innovation capabilities. This study seeks to give an insights of the implementation of integrated knowledge management strategy (codification and personalisation) and eco-innovation (Eco-process, eco-product, eco-organisational) among halal pharmaceutical companies in fostering corporate sustainability performance (economic, environmental and social).

Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization

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