The Russian Neo-Eurasianism, the West and the Reconstruction of Islamic Civilization in Alexander Dugin’s Geopolitical Doctrines
Alexander Gelyevich Dugin [A e ca p e e y ,)] (b.1962) is one of the most prominent and most prolific political philosopher of Russo-Eurasianist polemology and co-founder of several extremely anti-western movements. Dugin propagates selected aspects of Jean-François Thiriart’s ideas and Hegelian synthesis of the Strasserist and Stalinist authoritarian concepts of existence as the theoretical foundation of geopolitical bi-civilizational ‘Eurasian Heartland Empire (Foundations of Geopolitics (1997). Julius Evola, Yahya Abd-al-Waheed (Rene Guenon), Oswald Spengler and Lev Gumilev are discussed as godfathers of his ‘Third Way Bolshevism’ proclaimed in his works like Konservativnaya revoliutsiia, [Conservative Revolution] (1994), Metafizika blagoi vesti: Pravoslavnyi ezoterizm, [Metaphysics of the good news: the Orthodox esoteric] (1996) and Misterii Evrazii, [Mysteries of Eurasia] (1996). Dugin’s Philosophy of War is a meta-historical and para-philosophical amalgamation of his neo-conservative thoughts which he preaches recently in the Faculty of Sociology at the Lomonosov University in Moscow.
Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
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