Muslim Women of Nigeria and the Feminist Discourse of Shaykh Al-albani: by Ibrahim Olatunde Uthman. Kuala Lumpur: Iium Press, 2008, pp: 255. Isbn 978-983-3855-33-9.
It was interesting to read in a new book that there wonders whether research question three is addressed exists in my country, Nigeria, a Federal University of anywhere in the book as the contents of Chapters Three whose existence I, a university lecturer, am oblivious. This and Four “Muslim Women in Yoruba Land: A Historical statement captures my feelings when, immediately after Overview” and “the Changing Roles of Muslim Women purchase, my eyes incidentally caught, on the spot, the in Yoruba Land,” respectively, are bereft of the expected author’s reference to “Lateef Sanni, an associate analytical rigour that would have enabled the study do professor at the University of Abeokuta” (p.154) whereas justice to the subject which itself would have been the there is no such university in Nigeria and, to the best of author’s contribution to scholarship. my knowledge, anywhere in the world. What there is, In question three, the author asks: “What are the real rather, is the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, in the aspirations of Muslim women in the area of study? And employ of which the associate professor in question truly in four, he asks, “Can these aspirations be realized within is …
Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
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