Interaction of Plural Society in Malaysia: Diatribe or Dialogue
Multi-racial is a unique features in Malaysian’s society. It is become more interesting with the existence of heterogeneous characteristic which called as plural society. In Malaysia, the level of social interaction in plural society is minimal. Because of that reason, many conflicts arise before and after The Independence Day of Malaysia. Residential segregation and different working environment also helps to create a big gap between ethnics. The identification of each of the major ethnics in Malaysia, parallel with the identity of their cultures and religions. The Malay-Muslims are the majority group, followed by Chinese, which followed Buddhism, Confucius and Taoism as their religion and Indians are mostly Hindus. Christian is also rapidly growing religion in Malaysia. These differences contribute to the complexity and conflict between ethnics. This situation is predicted to become worst if there are no efforts taken to reduce the gap between ethnics. This process can be done through dialogues between different ethnics and religions. Through dialogues, disgruntlement and stress relations between ethnics can be minimized. Hence, this paper is attempted to discuss the formation of plural society in Malaysia, by looking at the level of interaction between ethnics. This paper also suggested several solutions through dialogues approaches. The solution is hope can be applied in Malaysian society to develop more harmonious relationship between ethnics.
Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
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