CIVILIZATION RELATIONSHIP OF ISLAM, WEST AND EUROPE: Potential Civilization Dialogue “Peace Communication Model”
If Western civilization is synonymous with the United States of America (USA), the Islamic civilization necessarily identical to the Prophet Muhammad who began a succession of civilization by building the Nabawi Mosque in Medina 1439 years ago. In 13 American-British colonies, Anthony Benezet in 1775, founded the Human Rights’ organization (HAM) to abolish slavery. Thomas Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence of 1776, that ” human rights are inherent in all mankind”. In year 622, Prophet Muhammad formulate 47 articles written in the Charter/ Constitution of Medina and became a phenomenal product of Islamic civilization. This document establishes a number of rights and obligations which contain the noble values of human rights, justice, equality, mutual respect between faiths, and so on.
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