Islam Portal

Islamic Work Ethics Toward Islamic Journalism

The purpose of this study is to identify the principles of understanding Islamic work ethics implementation and job satisfaction among mainstream Muslim journalists and alternative media in reporting the news. Methodology Using a questionnaire, the study used a survey method in which the sample of 300 respondents from communities across the state. The findings based on the public perception of the level of understanding between journalists, mainstream and alternative media of Islamic work ethics principles showed no difference where respondents expressed a moderate level. But from the respondents’ point of satisfaction to the mainstream media journalists and alternative shows respondents expressed high level of satisfaction with the work ethics among alternative media journalists over respondents ‘ mainstream media said the level of work ethics among journalists is still at a moderate level. In summary, we conclude that the top of the mainstream and alternative media should be sensitive to this situation where views on the findings show the level of understanding between mainstream journalists and alternative media on the implementation of Islamic work ethics are at a moderate level. Similarly, respondents’ level of satisfaction with Islam correspondent mainstream media shows predominantly a moderate level. If left unchecked, it will cause damage to the premises as it is very important in Islam that work practices attract customers and increase the reliability of the submitted information.

Source: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

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