Humanities Book Review: The Sharī‘a and Islamic Criminal Justice in Time of war and… IslamPortal Jun 19, 2020 0 Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni is a distinguished human rights advocate with anastounding career and publication record that exceeds!-->…
Area Studies War, Propaganda and Architecture Cemal Pasha’s Restoration of Islamic… IslamPortal Mar 4, 2020 0 In the following I am sending a few notes on the German survey of Damascus. The copy I am sending, from which the accompanying!-->…
Area Studies Gendering Jihad Ottoman Muslim Women and War during the Early Twentieth… IslamPortal Mar 4, 2020 0 In November 1914 the fatwas issued by the Shaykh ül Islam Hayri Efendi, in which Muslims were called upon to take up arms against!-->…
Humanities Jihad in Islam IslamPortal Dec 12, 2019 0 Abstract The word Islam as a verbal form is derived from the infinitive Arabic trilateral root of silm, salamet (peace and!-->!-->!-->…