Humanities Book Review: The Spirit of Tolerance in Islam IslamPortal Jun 16, 2020 0 This monograph challenges the notion that Islam is, at its core, an intolerantreligion. Through a careful reading of the Qur’an,!-->…
Islamic Countries Aqidah as a Basis of Social Tolerance: The Malaysian Experience IslamPortal Jun 13, 2020 0 The purpose of Islam is to develop exceptional human beings based on aqidah. Those with faith will have good life and will, in!-->…
Social Sciences Cultural Socialization and Its Relation to the Attitude of Religious… IslamPortal Jun 12, 2020 0 Interaction and communication between religions often develop a harmony culture. Without a good interaction and communication,!-->…
Islamic Countries A Review on Writings on Religious Tolerance in Malaysia IslamPortal Jun 12, 2020 0 Living in a multi-religious and multi-cultural country like Malaysia is a very challenging experience. It requires understanding!-->…
Political Sciences Islamic Tolerance and the West: Early Encounters and Influences IslamPortal May 9, 2020 0 This article is an attempt to explore the conception of tolerance as an inherent principle of Islam, and to show how it was!-->…